Health care services


The Jämsän Terveys Oy health centres are the primary places to receive treatment when you feel that you need help with health related matters. You can contact the health centres either by phone or by visiting during the opening hours. At the centre, your care needs will be assessed, and if needed a time will be booked with a nurse or doctor. In some situations, it is enough to simply receive instructions for taking care of the problem at home. If needed, a customer can receive from the health centre a referral for further health checks and treatment. When the health centres are closed, urgent medical problems are treated by the first aid services.


Jämsän sydän logo

First Aid
Jokilaakso hospital
Address: Sairaalantie 11, 42100 Jämsä
Phone: +358 20 638 3333
Emergency and ambulance 112

Jokilaakson sairaala
Sairaalantie 11, 42100 Jämsä
Phone:+358 20 638 3333

Mehiläinen Jämsä
Välikatu 6, 42100 Jämsä
Phone: +358 10 414 0112

Doctor services

Jämsän health centre, Sairaalantie 11, 42100 Jämsä
Phone: +358 20630 6020
Koskenpään health centre, Keuruuntie 5, 42440 Koskenpää
Phone: +358 20 6306020
Kuoreveden health centre, Puistotie 5 B, 35600 Halli
Phone: +358 20 630 6030
Länkipohjan health centre, Särkänkuja 5, 35400 Längelmäki
Phone: +358 20 630 6040

Säterintie 4, 42100 Jämsä
Phone: +358 10 470 8866
