How to get here by train



Jämsän sydän logoYou can get easily to Jämsä by train. Jämsä’s train station is located about 1,4 km from the city centre and from the central bus station. You can find all train tickets and timetables from

There are a few buses driving from the bus station of Jämsä to Jyväskylä via Himos crossroads. The timetables can be found at

Taxis directly from the railway station to Himos or elsewhere can be booked from Keski-Suomen aluetaksi by phone +358 100 866 44 or with a free mobile app called Taksinappi.

If you are staying at Himos Holidays accommodations, you can request the reception to arrange a taxi for you upon your arrival.


Jämsän rautatieasema

Jämsän rautatieasema


The location of Jämsä Railway Station on the map