Längelmäki Local Museum


Jämsän sydän logoThe Längelmäki Local Museum exhibits buildings and artefacts from the pre-industrial peasant farmer era. Welcome!

There are three buildings, a house, drying barn and granary on the Längelmäki Local Museum grounds. The house (i.e. the Luutsaari cabin) was moved to the museum from Luutsaari Island on Lake Isojärvi. It was still in its original condition as recently as the summer of 1959, when the resident was Bruno Luutsaari. At that time, there was an elaborately decorated open porch on the front of the cabin. Unfortunately, it did not make it to the museum.

In the main building, you can see artefacts, kitchenware and tools from the era of peasant farmers. The artefacts are arranged according to their use into a women’s handicrafts corner, a men’s craft work corner and hearth implements. The museum cabin interior includes a table, bed, wall benches and few chairs.

The Längelmäki Local Museum is managed by the Längelmäki Society. Every July the Längelmäki Local Museum hosts an open house week, during which the ‘Linen Girl’ (Pellavatyttö) of the year is hired as a museum guide.


During the summer of 2024, the museum will be open from Monday, July 15th, to Sunday, July 21st, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.



Address: Hiukkaan kylätie 100, Jämsä


Längelmäen kotiseutumuseoLängelmäen kotiseutumuseoLängelmäen kotiseutumuseo

Längelmäen kotiseutumuseo