Service description

Beginner packets:

Snowscoot rental and teaching, that you can learn the basics and be able to continue by yourself later 29€ / 1 hour

    next hours for riding yourself: 2nd hour 10€, next hours 5€ / each 

Ask more abd book your time : +358 40 7770078 Action Sports ry / Free to Ride Finland

If you know how to ride scoots already, you can just rent a scoot for yourself!

Snowscoot rental: 20€ / 1 hour, 30 € / 2 hours, 40€ / 4 hours

Merchant information

Action Sports ry
Rekkatie 1, 42300 Jämsänkoski
Y-Tunnus: 3055527-7
p. 0407770078

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