Isojärvi National Park


Jämsän sydän logoCome spend your holiday in this spectacular national park!  Located on the border of Kuhmoinen and Jämsä, the Isojärvi National Park is an ideal destination for spending a day or two. The park’s trails are a total of 30 kilometres in length. The trails are marked and there are camping and campfire sites along the way. Paddling is also possible in the park. The national park is located on the south shore of Lake Isojärvi and includes over 20 islands. Regional activity operators provide guided hiking trips and paddling services in the park.

The forester camp at Heretty has been remodelled as a summer café and an exhibit presenting the logging culture of days gone by. Visitors can also stay overnight here. Other buildings in the area include the Lortikka loggers’ cabin, which can be rented by groups of up to 20 persons and the Huhtala Croft, which hosts traditional events every year.

The nature trail from Heretty to Kannuslahti (3 km) tells about the history of forest use, while the Lortikka nature trail (3 km) presents the geology and species of the region. The length of other trails ranges between 4 and 11 kilometres. The longest trails can be combined to form a 20-kilometre loop. Two of the trails are also open to bikes.

There are bus rides from Tampere to Isojärvi on weekends. You can find the prices and schedule on the Outdoor Express website.

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Address: Kylämäntie 1335, Kuhmoinen (Isojärvi National Park / Heretty Parking Area)

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